Why February Should *Still* Be Your Month of Rest and Reflection
January often arrives with overwhelming pressure to launch into new goals, crush resolutions, and kickstart our productivity. But we’ve truly been getting it all wrong. The new year, nestled right in the heart of winter, is actually nature's designated time for rest and reflection—and that mindset shouldn’t end when the calendar flips to February.
Instead of rushing to set goals or start fresh, February offers us an extended invitation to honor the season’s natural rhythm. If January flew by in a whirl of busyness, February is still a chance to embrace intentional rest and thoughtful reflection.
And you might think I’m completely out of touch for posting this amidst the biggest whirlwind shitstorm we’ve ever seen in politics in America, but don’t worry. I’m tuned in, I see what’s happening, and I am tired af.
Understanding Nature's Cycles: Why Rest Matters
Our world moves in patterns and cycles—we see this throughout history and in nature itself. Just as the earth transitions through the seasons, we, too, experience natural rhythms in our lives. These cycles exist not just annually but monthly and even weekly, with each phase serving a specific purpose.
Winter, and particularly the early months of the year, holds a unique role in this cycle. It’s a season that naturally encourages us to slow down, turn inward, and reflect. Yet somehow, modern culture demands the opposite: immediate action, ambitious goals, and peak productivity at a time when nature itself is at rest.
By embracing winter’s slower pace, we align with what our bodies and minds truly need—an opportunity to restore, process, and intentionally move forward.
Beyond One Month: Embracing A Season of Reflection
If you're finding it challenging to summon the energy for ambitious New Year's resolutions, here's a radical thought: maybe you're not supposed to.
Instead of forcing yourself into high-productivity mode, consider using this time as nature intended - for rest and reflection.
Many of us have internalized the belief that January is the only time to plan and set intentions for the year ahead.
But what if we extended that window into February and beyond?
What if we gave ourselves permission to ease into a reset instead of rushing forward at full speed?
Embracing Seasonal Reflection Practices
I started implementing this seasonal reflection approach in my own life many years ago.
Here are some tools that have helped me embrace this mindset transition:
Circular calendars—I implement calendars with a circular view whenever possible (such as this menstrual tracking calendar and this yearly events calendar). This places emphasis on natural rhythms rather than simply a linear approach.
Notion—This year, I started using this simple but effective project organization system. While it took some time to learn, it's become an invaluable part of keeping my business and my life in order. Specifically for my reflection practice, I've created a simple two-column table—one for things that went well and another for challenges faced.
The Power of Documenting Both Light and Shadow
You might wonder why it’s important to document both the difficult moments and the positive ones. Through personal experience, I’ve found this practice incredibly grounding.
For example, last year brought numerous challenges for my family—from having our car stolen to our au pair unexpectedly leaving, all while managing life with an infant and a toddler. Even just the past month has already presented its share of obstacles, including a stolen phone and weather-related power disruptions and damages.
When you're in the midst of challenging times, it's easy to feel like everything is going wrong.
Without intentional documentation, these difficulties can consume our mental space, making it feel like they're our entire reality. But by writing down both the positives and negatives, we create a more balanced perspective. We acknowledge that challenges are just moments in time—not our entire story.
A Different Approach to the New Year
This approach isn't about setting traditional New Year's resolutions or creating ambitious productivity goals.
Instead, it’s about honoring the natural rhythm of the season. Consider using February to:
Reassess goals from a place of clarity rather than urgency
Prioritize self-care and restoration before diving into new projects and goals
Document past experiences to gain perspective for future growth
This rhythmic approach is about building a strong foundation that will support you throughout the rest of the year.
Supporting Your Journey: A Community Designed for You
For those navigating this journey while managing chronic health conditions, I’ve created a supportive community: Mentally Well While Chronically Ill. This space is specifically designed for individuals dealing with conditions like:
Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (MCAS)
Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome
Chronic Lyme Disease
Chronic GI Issues
We’ve intentionally cultivated an environment that balances support with hope—avoiding both toxic positivity and overwhelming negativity.
Final Thoughts: Giving Yourself Permission to Rest
As we move further into the new year, I invite you to resist the cultural pressure to immediately launch into constant productivity mode.
Instead, honor this extended season of rest and reflection. Take time to document your journey, acknowledge both your challenges and victories, and give yourself permission to move at a pace that aligns with nature's rhythm.
Remember, this isn't about falling behind or losing momentum—it's about creating a foundation of reflection and rest that will support you throughout the year ahead.
So put down the pressure, pick up your pen (or open your Notion dashboard), and allow yourself to be in this season of rest and renewal.
Join the Community
If you're interested in joining the Mentally Well While Chronically Ill community, we have 2 options to suit your needs. Choose from:
Monthly workshops – $27
Flexible, pay-what-you-can pricing for those who need it
Monthly membership – $17 (includes workshop access)
Together, we’re creating a space where mental health and chronic illness management can coexist.
Meet Destiny - The host of The Chronic Illness Therapist Podcast and a licensed mental health therapist in the states of Georgia and Florida. Destiny offers traditional 50-minute therapy sessions as well as therapy intensives and monthly online workshops for the chronic illness community.
Destiny Davis is solely responsible for the content of this document and the views expressed herein.